Books I’ve Read The Past 12 Months

Like I’ve said, I love to read and I love to learn. I’m going to assume that some of you do as well. I’m always looking for good books to read. I don’t read fiction, I just don’t want to make time for it. So, none of these are fiction. This isn’t exhaustive, but here is a list of books I’ve read the past 12 months. Just in case you were looking for something to read or to know what I’m up to, here you go! One more thing, Henri Nouwen is my favorite author.

Have you read any of these? Do you have any books to suggest?

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Three Mile an Hour God by Kosuke Koyama

The Bumps are What You Climb On by  Warren Wiersby

Unafraid: “Trusting God in an Uncertain World” by Susie Davis

God in my Everything by Ken Shigematsu

The Attentive Life by Leighton Ford

The Way of Discernment by Elizabeth Liebert

Scary Close by Donald Miller

Transitions: “Making Sense of Life’s Changes” by William Bridges

The Voice of the Heart by Chip Dodd

The Icarus Deception: “How High Will You Fly?” by Seth Godin

The Wounded Healer: “Ministry in Contemporary Society” by Henri Nouwen

A Resilient Life: “You Can Move Ahead No Matter What” by Gordon MacDonald

The Advantage: “Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business” by Patrick Lencioni

Necessary Endings: “The Employees, Businesses and Relationships That All of Us Have To Give Up In Order To Move Forward” by Henry Cloud

Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean-Pierre De Caussade

Spiritual Formation: “Following the Movements of the Spirit” by Henri Nouwen